Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Their only young once

As a mother of two, a question I often find myself asking is, “How do I ensure I’m spending enough quality time with my children individually?

Many of you, I'm sure, ask yourselves the same question; especially those with one or more children.

After talking with fellow moms and coming up with a few of my own ideas, here’s what I can offer you in light of spending enough quality time with each of your children:
  • Read to your children- Spend a little time each day reading to your children. Hold your child (if they're still small enough) while you read so they’re in close reach.
  • Run errands together- Pick a child per day or per week and have him or her run errands with you alone, if possible.  Talk to this child and listen to what he/she has to say when they talk.  (If you don’t have anyone to watch your other children then this won’t work.)
  • Do chores together- Pick a child per day or per week and have them do chores alongside you.  Let this  particular child wash dishes with you, cook/bake with you, do laundry together, etc.  While you’re working, talk with this child and listen as they talk back to you.
  • Mommy/Child Dates- Forget the grocery shopping and the bank runs.  Take this child out for ice cream, a trip to the park, etc. and just have fun.  Girls love manicures/pedicures if it’s in your budget to do so.  Sons love boy toys.  Take him to a sporting store and even if you don’t buy, have fun looking at what he enjoys.
  • Daddy/Child Dates- Your children need their father’s undivided attention as much as they need yours.  My daughter loves going on Daddy/Daughter Dates as much as she does Mommy/Daughter Dates.
  • Devotions- There are several out there that you can purchase and are age appropriate.  
  • Prayer- You can pray with and for each child at some point throughout the day.  Whether you start your morning this way or end your day this way, it’s a great tool to use to teach your children how to pray, to let your child know you’re praying for them, and to spend a few moments of one-on-one time with your child.
  • Games/Puzzles- Children love playing games and putting puzzles together.  Let your child pick out a game or puzzle and go at it.
It's not about spending the same amount of time with each child but about spending the amount of time each child NEEDS you to spend with them. Some need MORE and some don't need as much.” -Unknown

If you have to “schedule” time on your calendar with each child to make sure you’re fitting everyone in, then please, by all means schedule that time.  Make it a priority to spend quality time with each of your children individually.  Invest in the lives of your children physically, spiritually, and emotionally.  It will pay off in dividends in the long run.

There really are so many opportunities you can take advantage of to spend quality time with each of your children. You just have to be willing to make it a priority.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rid yourself of the negativity!

Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” – Mark Twain
First, let me state my definition of a toxic person- A person who complains and dumps their problems on you but doesn't do anything to change their situation. Someone who is not supportive. Someone who makes you feel badly about yourself. Someone who shoots down your bright ideas, big goals, or bold (and risky) decisions. Toxic people are usually in a place in their life where they are not open to constructive feedback or changing, so they are stuck in their current situation and don’t have the insight to see beyond their own struggles.
Reflecting on being positive and happy should be a daily activity. I notice a lot lately (especially on facebook) it's being highlighted. One thing that impedes upon positivity is negative people. Negative people are not happy and they do not want you to be happy. They are like viruses...once you catch it, they make you sick and your once healthy body is now compromised.
Negative people can't stand your smile, your happy family, your outlook on life. They want you to feel like them...pitiful and sad, unhappy and mentally diseased. They want you to engage in conversation with them as they gossip about others. They want you know all of your business so they can spread it on to the next person while pretending to be your friend. They secretly want to destroy you because they have no life and no purpose. The next time you encounter such a person, smile and walk away. Don't allow this influence in your life.

Which path will you choose?

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I don't want to be that woman who turned 30 and let herself go

So before I start this weeks blog, I want to announce the winner of last weeks giveaway. Drum roll please....!!!!.....

 Amy Roper! you have won :) 

Please get up with Kelly to collect your winnings. And also a Congrats to Jessica H. for booking an online party and getting a $10 gift certificate.

 Now on to this weeks blog.....

So I have always been one who is/was concerned about my weight. I have always been told how small and "lucky" I am. But at times I don't feel it. I am a woman and my weight fluctuates all the time. I was down to where I wanted to be last year when Matt returned home from deployment, then of course that slowly went out the window. So I have decided that I am not gonna make excuses or only workout when I feel my body is slumming. I am taking on fitness as a way of life. Kinda like the "learn it, live it" analogy.

My awesome husband and I started a workout routine together after the 1st of the year, accountability is everything right? Well I found a partner. I should have asked him a long time ago but I was intimidated because we've been down this road before and I felt like one of his boot Marines. So after a little discussion of my goals and the attitude I was expecting out of it, we came to an understanding. Then we started, a little of this, a little of that, and lots of sweat. Just recently we came up with an actual routine and I have to say that it is working. I lost 7lbs in January alone.

I hate sit ups, I don't like to be hot and sweaty, and when it's too cold I hate that too.
I need to be in a bikini among a bunch of strangers soon (for our Hawaii trip in June) and I want to feel as confident as possible.
 I've taken some before pictures and after two weeks I'll post if there is a difference. I'm too embarrassed to post yet.

My plan?

-I am gonna do this everyday 2-3 times, gonna workout on the ab circle for 15-30 mins, and walk (and eventually run) 3 miles...3 days a week. 

I am also gonna keep up with some extra monthly challenges. Like this one....

-Clean eating (I use,, and for awesome recipes)

I also purchased a Polar watch to monitor my heart rate and how many calories I've worked off.

-NO eating whatsoever past supper time. I find if I snack at night I always seem bloated in the morning.

-Lots of fiber  to keep the food moving along in my system. Being regular definitely cuts down on tummy bulk ;) I'm also going to try really really hard not to OVER eat. Eat yes and plenty of it, but I'm going to try not to OVER do it at any meal.

-Stretching and yoga.

I just signed up to the Color Me Rad ( 5k in April. I am so very excited to participate with some fabulous ladies. 

I am very dedicated to my new journey and excited. I hope that this blogs find you some courage and motivation to start yours as well.