Thursday, March 27, 2014

Mean Girls!

Recently I ran into my first Mother/Daughter experience of "Mean Girls". 

Uggggg!  This may be my top worry.  I’ve been here.  I think every woman alive can associate with being both a mean girl and having experienced a mean girl.  I have certainly been both.  I don’t know why it happens, but it seems to be happening earlier and earlier.  I thought mean girls started in middle school but I've seen that it actually can happen with six-year-olds. I think it is very immature for "Mommy" disagreements to rub off on the kids. I would never tell my daughter that she couldn't be friends with another little girl just because her Mother and I didn't see eye to eye. And while I tried to "sugar coat" the incident to my precious little angel. I just had to be honest and tell her that this is just how it is sometimes. A best friend suddenly doesn’t like you anymore.  You’re ostracized from the school lunch table with no warning. 

 A group of girls deems you unworthy.  I hate that this is coming.  I just want to wrap my arms around my sweet girl and tell her she will always be loved, she will always be beautiful no matter what anyone else says. No matter the situation my daughter finds herself in, I want her to be comfortable enough in her own skin to stand up for what she believes in.  I want her to feel ok being the odd ball out (that’s a tall order, I know!)  I definitely caved to the pressure on a few occasions and know she will too.  But I want her to know that most of her friends will be just as uncomfortable as she matter the situation.  And sometimes, it just takes one person to say “no thank you” to give the rest of the crowd permission to say the same.  I hope I raise that child.  If not, that’s ok too. She’ll live and learn, but I hope that I can give her that confidence in herself. I wish what I said was all that mattered, but we are quickly coming upon the days when that won’t be true.  I want her to stay sweet, to be friendly to everyone.  I’m being unrealistic I know, but one can hope she becomes.......