Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ain't nobody got time fo' fake friends

A recent conversation with a friend sparked the topic for this months blog (like most do). When talking with her I realized that I know the pain that accompanies the betrayal of a false friend, it is a sting not like many others. I also know the relief of the removal of such a person from your life is just as great. Sometimes we are unaware of the wolves in sheep clothing that have crept into our houses. We are left to wonder which is worse? A) That they were wolves from the start or B) We are just now figuring it out? Either way, it hurts.

No matter how old we get, false friends can put deep scars on our hearts and big dents in our confidence. I have known this truth for as long as I have tried to make a friend or two, but each time I face it, I feel a sting. While studies report it is only natural to feel hurt when we are wronged, I still feel stupid for getting wronged so many times! It isn't easy forging friendships, so maybe that's why it hurts so badly when I think I have a friend I don't really have. It doesn't really matter if it is natural to have a sorrowful reaction or response to be thwarted, lousy friends are just plain lousy people. At the end of the day, these types of people don't deserve our friendship and they surely don't deserve the power to harm us.

I am getting better at acceptance and trusting there is a reason for the way things happen sometimes.We do not always understand why the temporary pain we feel may very well be for long term happiness. God, however, knows why every time and I can personally thank Him for removing certain people throughout my life I probably would have held on to ignorantly forever.

If someone has lied to you, hurt you or hindered your progress in life repeatedly, chances are they are wolves too. Forgiveness is necessary, but self sabotage is not. If you are involved with angry, jealous, or spiteful people posing as your friends yet acting more like your enemies, begin to take inventory of these types of people in your life and honestly start to remove them accordingly. Pray for strength and follow through. Pray for each person as well as you bid them farewell.

Fake friends are a very real problem for us all. Not many can say they have not experienced one in their life at some point. Despite a few bad apples, the harvest of your relationships will prove to be pie worthy! Do not be bitter in the betrayal of these people, but allow the experience to make you a bit better each time!

It's normal to want a friend. Friendships are great when they are mutually satisfying and respectful. Enjoy people whenever you can, but take caution to never get lost in your desire for friendship. 
I am very lucky to have a great group of ladies here who I love to be around.

Ain't nobody got time fo' that fakeness! :P